Professional Headshot Tips for Men - A great #Professionalheadshot takes both a good photographer and a prepared client. Whether you are a #Realtor #Attorney #CorporateExecutive everyone needs a great #headshot. Guys, your pretty easy but here are a few things to keep in mind before you show up. Fresh shave! Always make sure to shave the morning of your shoot, unless you break out, then shave the night before. Make sure your clothes are ironed and hung up. Have a fresh haircut and include your manscaping for ears and nose. Even though most men don't use moisturizer it is a good idea the day of your shoot to fix any dry skin patches. Bring any grooming tools with you like a comb or brush. And last but not least, bring your smile! While these are just a few small things, they will make a difference in the overall outcome. Need a Professional Headshot? Check out our website and see how we can help you look your best!
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