what is your image? Funny, serious or just plain hate the camera? Here are some tips for making your #headshot more comfortable.

So you just received the email. Your company is updating their webpage and they want a #headshot of you! If your a woman like me the first thing that comes to your mind is NO! I still have 20 pounds to lose. And if your a guy, you roll your eyes and sink into your chair.
“I've always hated having my picture taken.” Sound familiar?
just relax
Getting a head shot done doesn't have to be as bad as you might think. While it brings back memories of your high school days and the terrible results that usually came with them, times have changed! So what is the secret? Be you! My first advice is if you have a choice, pick a photographer that you feel comfortable with. Of course #darleenpremphotography would be your best choice :). Kidding aside, we all have different personalities so choosing a photographer that you can laugh with is certainly helpful if you have an outgoing personality. But that aside, here are a few tips to make your #headshot a little better.
1. Ladies, go light on the makeup. I know the drill, I am a woman. As soon as we hear camera we are like "whoa, where is the concrete cover up make up"! Resist the urge. We can always add to you but taking away is a little more challenging. Maybe even consider a makeup artist for the shoot. They can help you with all the little things you don't like.
2. Choose your clothing and know your background ahead of time. The last thing you want is to be wearing your favorite pink blouse up against a clashing background color. And guys, while that plaid flannel shirt may be your favorite, unless your going for the George Straight look, try a more calming shirt color.
3. Resting Face otherwise known as RBF and we all know what I mean by that, is okay, if you use it on your kids, but in a #headshot, not so much. Your #headshot should reflect an approachable you. That doesn't mean you need to be smiling ear to ear, it just means your facial expression is an indicator of "friendliness" so keep it light. You might be just a naturally serious person, and that works, provided your photographer can give you some guidance.
4. Photographers all have special talents. Me? I don't do weddings. Why? Because I just don't like them. But more so because I have narrowed my specialty to portrait/commercial photography. When shopping for a head shot photographer, choose someone whose primary focus is commercial not wedding. Not that a wedding photographer can't do a great job, but it is not something they do everyday.
5. BE YOU! I can't stress this enough. Unless you need a standard #headshotforbusinesscard or standard #corporateheadshot, your best #headshot is going to be the one that lets the story of you shine! Make sure your photographer is not set on time, and more on making sure they have what they need when your done. I don't do time limits. Some people are comfortable behind the camera and may only take a short time, others may take longer. Talk about your comfort level with your photographer ahead of time.